Thursday, October 31, 2019
Jainism, Sikhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jainism, Sikhism - Essay Example Sikhism is considered to be a new religion in India when compared to that of other religions such as Jainism or Hinduism. The religion has been founded by Guru Nanak. Some of the unique characteristics of the religion are that they do not belief in pilgrimage, superstitions, fasting as well as other such kinds of rites. It tries to provide services to the community and thus tries to extend its help to the ones who need them. The Sikhs are supposed to dress as per the Guru Gobind Singh’s order. According to the religious doctrines, the Sikhs should also wear turbans. Regular pray and meditation is done by means of repeating the name of the God. The Khalsas’ in the Sikh religion are expected to monitor five K’s such as Kaccha, Kara, Kirpan, Khanga and Kes. This religion does not follow any symbolism or ritualism. There are not any altars or idols in the Gurudwara. The fact that every Gurudwara keeps the holy Sikh Scripture, which is also known as Guru Granth Sahib or Satguru, is a unique characteristic (Pecorino, â€Å"Philosophy of Religion†). It can be mentioned that both the religions namely the Sikhism and the Jainism are of the belief that they are inhabitants to the Indian subcontinent. It was found that like Sikhism, Jainism also refused the power of the Vedas and thus developed independent textual norms and traditions that were based upon the words as well as the illustration of their early teachers. It finally evolved complete new ways of communicating their thoughts with the common people (Apex Learning, â€Å"3e Jainism and Sikhism†). The main similarities of both the religions are that both of them commemorate Diwali, a festival of lights. Jains are strictly vegetarians but the Sikhs are non-vegetarians. However, it can be observed that in Gurdwaras, the food that is served is completely vegetarian so that it is capable of obliging all the segments of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Herbal Remedies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Herbal Remedies - Assignment Example Some of the factors that influence herbal use in America include ethnicity, history of family, immigrant, and herbal use among members of the family. There is a reported high use of herbal medicine among Italian Americans from recent studies on ethnicity and racial lines. There are many illnesses treated using herbal medicine. These vary from patient to patient due to varying responses to the medicine. Some of the illnesses that are treated using herbal medicine among the African Americans and Italian Americans include: varicose veins, indigestion, obesity and weight loss among other medical conditions. The African Americans and Italian Americans use varying herbs to treat these illnesses. However, there are commonly used herbs among the two cultural groups such as bitter orange for treating indigestion, chaparral for treating hypertension, and ginger and germander for obesity and other liver related illnesses. The medical herbs are purchased from herbs clinics and traditional doctors that treat chronic conditions among the communities. The side effects associated with the use of herbal medicine are as mentioned: heart attack and fainting resulting from use of bitter orange; chaparral which may lead to damage of the liver, hypertension suffered by patients with cancer as well as problems with kidney; ginger may lead to an alteration in bleeding time among females while germander may damage the liver of the patients. When a patient uses herbal medicine after using allopathic medicines, there could be adverse effects on the condition, however, there are no particular complications identified by name, however, the patient medical condition may worsen resulting from a mix of reaction between the two
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study of various RISC and CISC processor
Study of various RISC and CISC processor INTRODUCTION: The processor (CPU, for Central Processing Unit) is the computers brain. It allows the processing of numeric data, meaning information entered in binary form, and the execution of instructions stored in memory. The first microprocessor (Intel 4004) was invented in 1971. It was a 4-bit calculation device with a speed of 108 kHz. Since then, microprocessor power has grown exponentially. Operation The processor (called CPU, for Central Processing Unit) is an electronic circuit that operates at the speed of an internal clock thanks to a quartz crystal that, when subjected to an electrical currant, send pulses, called peaks. The clock speed (also called cycle), corresponds to the number of pulses per second, written in Hertz (Hz). Thus, a 200 MHz computer has a clock that sends 200,000,000 pulses per second. With each clock peak, the processor performs an action that corresponds to an instruction or a part there of. A measure called CPI (Cycles Per Instruction) gives a representation of the average number of clock cycles required for a microprocessor to execute an instruction. A microprocessor power can thus be characterized by the number of instructions per second that it is capable of processing. MIPS (millions of instructions per second) is the unit used and corresponds to the processor frequency divided by the CPI. One of the primary goals of computer architects is to design computers that are more cost effective than their predecessors. Cost-effectiveness includes the cost of hardware to manufacture the machine, the cost of programming, and costs incurred related to the architecture in debugging.Both the initial hardware and subsequent programs. If we review the history of computer families we find that the most common architectural change is the trend toward ever more complex machines. Presumably this additional complexity has a positive trade off with regard to the cost effectiveness of newer models. The Microprocessor Revolution:- The engine of the computer revolution is the microprocessor. It has led to new inventions, such as FAX machines and personal computers, as well as adding intelligence to existing devices, such as wristwatches and automobiles. Moreover, its performance has improved by a factor of roughly 10,000 in the 25 years since its birth in 1971. This increase coincided with the introduction of Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC). The instruction set is the hardware language in which the software tells the processor what to do. Surprisingly, reducing the size of the instruction set eliminating certain instructions based upon a careful quantitative analysis, and requiring these seldom-used instructions to be emulated in software can lead to higher performance, for several reasons:- REASONS FOR INCREASED COMPLEXITY Speed of Memory vs. Speed of CPU:- .from the 701 to the 709 [Cocke80]. The 701 CPU was about ten times as fast as the core main memory this made any primitives that were implemented as subroutines much slower than primitives that were instructions. 709 more cost-effective than the 701. Since then, many higher-level instructions have been added to machines in an attempt to improve performance. Microcode and LSI Technology:- Microprogrammed control allows the implementation of complex architectures more cost-effectively than hardwired control.Advances in integrated circuit memories made in the late 60s and early 70s have caused microprogrammed control to be the more cost-effective approach in almost every case. Once the decision is made to use microprogrammed control, the cost to expand an instruction set is very small; only a few more words of control store. Examples of such instructions are string editing, integer-to-floating conversion, and mathematical operations such as polynomial evaluation. Code Density:- With early computers, memory was very expensive. It was therefore cost effective to have very compact programs. Attempting to obtain code density by increasing the complexity of the instruction set is often a double-edged the cost of 10% more memory is often far cheaper than the cost of squeezing 10% out of the CPU by architectural innovations. Marketing Strategy:- Unfortunately, the primary goal of a computer company is not to design the most cost-effective computer; the primary goal of a computer company is to make the most money by selling computers. In order to sell computers manufacturers must convince customers that their design is superior to their competitors.In order to keep their jobs, architects must keep selling new and better designs to their internal management. Upward Compatibility:- Coincident with marketing strategy is the perceived need for upward compatibility. Upward compatibility means that the primary way to improve a design is to add new, and usually more complex, features. Seldom are instructions or addressing modes removed from an architecture, resulting in a gradual increase in both the number and complexity of instructions over a series of computers. Support for High Level Languages:- As the use of high level languages becomes increasingly popular, manufacturers have become eager to provide more powerful instructions to support them. Unfortunately there is little evidence to suggest that any of the more complicated instruction sets have actually provided such support.The effort to support high-level languages is laudable, but we feel that often the focus has been on the wrong issues. Use of Multiprogramming:- The rise of timesharing required that computers be able to respond to interrupts with the ability to halt an executing process and restart it at a later time. Memory management and paging additionally required that instructions could be halted before completion and later restarted. RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing) The acronym RISC (pronounced risk), for reduced instruction set computing, represents a CPU design strategy emphasizing the insight that simplified instructions that do less may still provide for higher performance if this simplicity can be utilized to make instructions execute very quickly. Many proposals for a precise definition have been attempted, and the term is being slowly replaced by the more descriptive load-store architecture. Being an old idea, some aspects attributed to the first RISC-labeled designs (around 1975) include the observations that the memory restricted compilers of the time were often unable to take advantage of features intended to facilitate coding, and that complex addressing inherently takes many cycles to perform. It was argued that such functions would better be performed by sequences of simpler instructions, if this could yield implementations simple enough to cope with really high frequencies, and small enough to leave room for many registers, factoring out slow memory accesses. Uniform, fixed length an instruction with arithmetics restricted to registers was chosen to ease instruction pipelining in these simple designs, with special load-store instructions accessing memory. The RISC Design Strategies:- The basic RISC principle: A simpler CPU is a faster CPU. The focus of the RISC design is reduction of the number and complexity of instructions in the ISA. A number of the more common strategies include: 1) Fixed instruction length, generally one word. This simplifies instruction fetch. 2) Simplified addressing modes. 3) Fewer and simpler instructions in the instruction set. 4) Only load and store instructions access memory; no add memory to register, add memory to memory, etc. 5) Let the compiler do it. Use a good compiler to break complex high-level language statements into a number of simple assembly language statements. Typical characteristics of RISC:- For any given level of general performance, a RISC chip will typically have far fewer transistors dedicated to the core logic which originally allowed designers to increase the size of the register set and increase internal parallelism. Other features, which are typically found in RISC architectures, are: Uniform instruction format, using a single word with the opcode in the same bit positions in every instruction, demanding less decoding; Identical general purpose registers, allowing any register to be used in any context, simplifying compiler design (although normally there are separate floating point registers); Simple addressing modes. Complex addressing performed via sequences of arithmetic and/or load-store operations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Fixed length instructions which (a) are easier to decode than variable length instructions, and (b) use fast, inexpensive memory to execute a larger piece of code. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Hardwired controller instructions (as opposed to microcoded instructions). This is where RISC really shines as hardware implementation of instructions is much faster and uses less silicon real estate than a microstore area. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Fused or compound instructions which are heavily optimized for the most commonly used functions. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Pipelined implementations with goal of executing one instruction (or more) per machine cycle. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Large uniform register set à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ minimal number of addressing modes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ no/minimal support for misaligned accesses. RISC Examples:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Apple iPods (custom ARM7TDMI SoC) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Apple iPhone (Samsung ARM1176JZF) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Palm and PocketPC PDAs and smartphones (Intel XScale family, Samsung SC32442 ARM9) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Nintendo Game Boy Advance (ARM7) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Nintendo DS (ARM7, ARM9) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sony Network Walkman (Sony in-house ARM based chip) Advantages of RISC * Speed * Simpler hardware * Shorter design cycle * User (programmers benifits) Disadvantages Of RISC q A more sophisticated compiler is required q A sequence of RISC instructions is needed to implement complex instructions. q Require very fast memory systems to feed them instructions. q Performance of a RISC application depend critically on the quality of the code generated by the compiler. CISC(complex instruction set computer) A complex instruction set computer (CISC, pronounced like sisk) is a computer instruction set architecture (ISA) in which each instruction can execute several low-level operations, such as a load from memory, an arithmetic operation, and a memory store, all in a single instruction. Performance:- Some instructions were added that were never intended to be used in assembly language but fit well with compiled high level languages. Compilers were updated to take advantage of these instructions. The benefits of semantically rich instructions with compact encodings can be seen in modern processors as well, particularly in the high performance segment where caches are a central component (as opposed to most embedded systems). This is because these fast, but complex and expensive, memories are inherently limited in size, making compact code beneficial. Of course, the fundamental reason they are needed is that main memories (i.e. dynamic RAM today) remain slow compared to a (high performance) CPU-core. ADVANTAGES OF CISC * A new processor design could incorporate the instruction set of its predecessor as a subset of an ever-growing languageno need to reinvent the wheel, code-wise, with each design cycle. * Fewer instructions were needed to implement a particular computing task, which led to lower memory use for program storage and fewer time-consuming instruction fetches from memory. * Simpler compilers sufficed, as complex CISC instructions could be written that closely resembled the instructions of high-level languages. In effect, CISC made a computers assembly language more like a high-level language to begin with, leaving the compiler less to do. DISADVANTAGES OF CISC * The first advantage listed above could be viewed as a disadvantage. That is, the incorporation of older instruction sets into new generations of processors tended to force growing complexity. * Many specialized CISC instructions were not used frequently enough to justify their existence. The existence of each instruction needed to be justified because each one requires the storage of more microcode at in the central processing unit (the final and lowest layer of code translation), which must be built in at some cost. * Because each CISC command must be translated by the processor into tens or even hundreds of lines of microcode, it tends to run slower than an equivalent series of simpler commands that do not require so much translation. All translation requires time. * Because a CISC machine builds complexity into the processor, where all its various commands must be translated into microcode for actual execution, the design of CISC hardware is more difficult and the CISC design cycle correspondingly long; this means delay in getting to market with a new chip. Comparison of RISC and CISC This table is taken from an IEEE tutorial on RISC architecture. CISC Type Computers RISC Type IBM 370/168 VAX-11/780 Intel 8086 RISC I IBM 801 Developed 1973 1978 1978 1981 1980 Instructions 208 303 133 31 120 Instruction size (bits) 16 48 16 456 8 32 32 32 Addressing Modes 4 22 6 3 3 General Registers 16 16 4 138 32 Control Memory Size 420 Kb 480 Kb Not given 0 0 Cache Size 64 Kb 64 Kb Not given 0 Not given However, nowadays, the difference between RISC and CISC chips is getting smaller and smaller. RISC and CISC architectures are becoming more and more alike. Many of todays RISC chips support just as many instructions as yesterdays CISC chips. The PowerPC 601, for example, supports more instructions than the Pentium. Yet the 601 is considered a RISC chip, while the Pentium is definitely CISC. RISCs are leading in:- * New machine designs * Research funding * Publications * Reported performance * CISCs are leading in: * REVENUE Performance * The CISC approach attempts to minimize the number of instructions per program, sacrificing the number of cycles per instruction. * RISC does the opposite, reducing the cycles per instruction at the cost of the number of instructions per program. * Hybrid solutions: * RISC core CISC interface * Still has specific performance tuning Future Aspects Todays microprocessors are roughly 10,000 times faster than their ancestors. And microprocessor-based computer systems now cost only 1/40th as much as their ancestors, when inflation is considered. The result: an overall cost-performance improvement of roughly 1,000,000, in only 25 years! This extraordinary advance is why computing plays such a large role in todays world. Had the research at universities and industrial laboratories not occurred had the complex interplay between government, industry, and academia not been so successful a comparable advance would still be years away. Microprocessor performance can continue to double every 18 months beyond the turn of the century. This rate can be sustained by continued research innovation. Significant new ideas will be needed in the next decade to continue the pace; such ideas are being developed by research groups today. Conclusion The research that led to the development of RISC architectures represented an important shift in computer science, with emphasis moving from hardware to software. The eventual dominance of RISC technology in high-performance workstations from the mid to late 1980s was a deserved success. In recent years CISC processors have been designed that successfully overcome the limitations of their instruction set architecture that is more elegant and power-efficient, but compilers need to be improved and clock speeds need to increase to match the aggressive design of the latest Intel processors. REFERENCES: Books: 1. Computer system Architecture by M. Morris Mano 2. Processor Archicture by jurij silc, Borut Robic 3. George Radin, The 801 Minicomputer, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol.27 No.3, 1983 4. John Cocke and V. Markstein, The evolution of RISC technology at IBM, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol.34 No.1, 1990 5. Dileep Bhandarkar, RISC versus CISC: A Tale of Two Chips, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California Encyclopedia: 1. Encarta 2. Britanica
Friday, October 25, 2019
On Ibsens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House
On Ibsen's A Doll's House [This is the text of a lecture delivered, in part, in Liberal Studies 310 at Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. References to Ibsen's text are to the translation by James McFarlane and Jens Arup (Oxford: OUP, 1981). This text is in the public domain, released July 2000] For comments or questions, please contact Ian Johnston Those of you who have just read A Doll's House for the first time will, I suspect, have little trouble forming an initial sense of what it is about, and, if past experience is any guide, many of you will quickly reach a consensus that the major thrust of this play has something to do with gender relations in modern society and offers us, in the actions of the heroine, a vision of the need for a new-found freedom for women (or a woman) amid a suffocating society governed wholly by unsympathetic and insensitive men. I say this because there is no doubt that A Doll's House has long been seen as a landmark in our century's most important social struggle, the fight against the dehumanizing oppression of women, particularly in the middle-class family. Nora's final exit away from all her traditional social obligations is the most famous dramatic statement in fictional depictions of this struggle, and it helped to turn Ibsen (with or without his consent) into an applauded or vilified champion of women's rights and this play into a vital statement which feminists have repeatedly invoked to further their cause. So in reading responses to and interpretations of this play, one frequently comes across statements like the following: Patriarchy's socialization of women into servicing creatures is the major accusation in Nora's painful account to Torvald of how first her father, and then he, used her for their amusement. . . how she had no right to think for herself, only the duty to accept their opinions. Excluded from meaning anything, Nora has never been subject, only object. (Templeton 142). Furthermore, if we go to see a production of this play (at least among English-speaking theatre companies), the chances are we will see something based more or less on this interpretative line: heroic Nora fighting for her freedom against oppressive males and winning out in the end by her courageous final departure. The sympathies will almost certainly be distributed so that our hearts are with Nora, however much we might carry some reservations about her leaving her children.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Government Role Essay
The main role of the executive is to preform leadership like duties such as carrying out leadership roles, ceremonial roles, and preforming symbolic. The leadership role demand formulating, articulating, and implementing goals of the political system. The effective chief executive becomes the spokesperson for the people, attempts to invigorate the people’s support for these goals, and then develops strategies that ease their accomplishment. For the most part the chief executive takes the initiative in a policy form. The executive policy leadership is very crucial during times of crisis, because the executive structure has the potential for a level of coherence and consent of action, which is almost always lacking in legislature. In most political systems the chief executive officer has the power to veto the legislation that the legislature initiates, which may be directly or indirectly. The actors in the executive role usually function as the unifying symbol of the entire soci ety, becoming the lead figurehead for the people. The executive presence becomes a central to many of society’s ceremonies and rituals. In the majority of all political systems the executive has the primary responsibility for implementing the laws and policies of political order. Most systems have an executive cabinet in where each member is directly and personally responsible for some of the major areas of administration. However they are supposed to set a broad set of guidelines for policy and implementation and responsibility for any major mishaps that occur. In parliament for examples, the minster of a department will usually resign if there is a serious shortcoming in his or her area of responsibility. The chief executive must set policy and supervise the organization and utilization of the state’s military capabilities, which is a task that can have the most serious consequences for the security, and well being of the society. Along with this comes the supervision of foreign affairs that involves a complicated pattern of meeting officials from other states and deal with national dealings with other nations usually showing some form of cooperation. The British government and the United States government are different in many aspects but yet share many similarities. A prime minister who handles the majority of the executive responsibilities mainly holds Britain’s executive, and of curse the king or queen handles ceremonial responsibilities like a figurehead would. However the United States has a fused executive system in where the president handles both the head of state and the head of government roles. 2. Democracy has a wide range of meanings, but true direct democracy is a government of and by the people. An alternative concept in which it is pretty clear is representative democracy. This is a system in which the citizens elect people to represent them in the political aspect of things and to express the values on their behalf of society. Another general term to describe this democracy is a republic even though not all republics are democratic and not all democrats are republicans. Electoral democracy is defined as a political system in where all citizens periodically vote in order to elect political leaders in their society. It also seems important to establish that the people have the power to retain or reject those serving as their political leaders. This additional condition, called the limited mandate, means that the electorate grants the authority to rule for only a short fixed period of time, and then the electorate has the opportunity to elect their representatives again. Meaning that if the political leaders do not gain sufficient votes the political leaders will voluntarily resign office. We can also classify a political system called liberal democracy when citizens enjoy not only electoral democracy but also substantial political rights and civil liberties regarding participation, personal freedoms, and oppositions. The United States is considered to have some like similarities in this regard for the notion that its citizens enjoy the freedoms and rights that come along with voting and individual values. A non-democracy is a concept by with all major decisions especially with those that deal with the state is handled by the person or political group in charge of the state in that time. One conventional concept used to define non democracies is a dictatorship. A definition of a dictator might be a ruler with absolute power and authority. Dictatorship may be further defined as the absence of a limited mandate- a critical factor in the definition of democracy. That is, the citizens of that state have no power to remove the person in office or political leadership period. This government type is often time seen as harsh to its citizens and harsh. Totalitarianism, which is a political system that the allocation of values and its control penetrate into almost every aspect of its citizen’s every day lives. The totalitarian political system demands complete obedience to its extensive rules in culture, economics, religion, and most of all morality. All organizations are subordinated to the totalitarian state. Every activity is under scrutiny by the state in the name of the public interest. The state might define what is ok to watch or be produce in a movie, what acceptable to say in the media, and It even has acceptable behaviors and thoughts for its people. Another concept that falls under the category of non-democratic is Authoritarian regimes. Many authoritarian regimes such as dictatorships lack empowerment. What really distinguish authoritarianism are the political actions and decisions of the ruler, while the political rights and freedoms of the people are significantly limited. In other words under authoritarianism the population has very minimal political rights. An authoritarian regime places many severe restrictions on the activities of individuals and groups who advocate the people on the actions of the political system. The great majority of the populations are not allowed to participate in any political activities except in ways that expressly encouraged by the regime such as mass rallies and speeches. Citizens of such places are not allowed to question th e political intuitions, procedures, or public policies of an authoritarian regime. 3. There are a few different types of states, first there is the unitary state and then there is central government, which holds all legislative power. While the central government has indivisible sovereignty, it can delegate power or functional responsibilities to territorial units, which have names such as department or regions. These peripheral governments serve only at the convenience of the central government, which can revoke their power or functions at any given time. The majority of all citizens tend to identify with the country as a whole, rather than with regional authorities as they should. A federation is divided constitutionally and functions between a central government and the set of regional governments. On the other hand to a unitary state, there is an explicit sharing of power among the levels of government in a federation, and no level has legal power to dominate any other level in all policy domains. There are five major rationales that make up a federation: large size, prior existence of strong states, desire to create unity or accommodate diversity, the desire to concentrate power and resources, and the desire to disperse political power. A federation can be established to prevent the over centration of power in the central government. A confederation is an association in which states delegate some power to a supranational central government but retain primary power. Confederations emphasize on economic cooperation and or military cooperation’s. It is a loose grouping of states in which each state’s involvement membership, and compliance with the central government are conditional depending on the state’s perception of its own national interest.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Probation and Life in Prison Essay
Probation In the early days of our country, severe punishments were often meted out with little regard to the seriousness of the offense. There was no such thing as being sentenced to probation in the 18th century. The concept of probation, or giving a convicted criminal a chance to redeem himself without serving time in prison, was first introduced in 1841 by John Augustus. In August of that year, Augustus decided to try a radical approach with a man convicted of being drunk and disorderly. The man swore to Augustus that he would change his ways if only he did not have to serve time in the House of Correction. Augustus believed the man and he posted bail. Augustus went on to help others in the same fashion and eventually became regarded â€Å"a private angel and guardian of men convicted of crime†(Friedman, 1993, 162). Massachusetts was the first state to formally recognize this option in criminal sentencing in 1878 with the remaining states following suit throughout the rest of the century and onto into the early part of the 1900’s. It would take some fine-tuning to bring probation up to its current standards. Early probation officers enjoyed no formal training and many states were without prerequisites for passing this form of sentencing. In the early years, probation was often given in exchange for a guilty plea most often to married men, those who held jobs and exhibited no apparent vices. Judges used the sentence of probation prodigiously for several decades. It was only in the 1980’s, when the public clamored for stiffer penalties, that probation lost favor. In 1986, only 28% of male felony defendants were awarded probation as compared to nearly half of those convicted in 1970 (Friedman, 1993, 409). Probation initially became popular as the thrust of the legal system shifted from focusing on the â€Å"what†(the crime) to the â€Å"who†(the criminal) and how to best reform the offender (Friedman, 1993, 168). More recently, the focus has become a bit more equally fixed on both preventing the crime and rehabilitation of the criminal. Today, offenders on probation are closely monitored by correctional officers through surveillance in the community. Often, some sort of restitution is also involved with the goal of making the offender accountable and responsible in order to rejoin the community without potential further risk (Jones, 2). This option allows the offender to serve a sentence under â€Å"house arrest†and maintain a job rather than be integrated into the prison system, which is already strained to its limit. The level of supervision varies based on the crime committed. For those convicted of drug charges, a more constant monitoring system is used, often electronic. Another alternative is to use a â€Å"combination of prison time and work release/community service†(Jones, 3). Probation is often used as a condition of plea bargaining for a lesser sentence in exchange for information or a guilty plea. Plea bargaining came about as a quick, and cheap way, to move defendants through the legal system and probation helps to keep minor criminals out of jail. The concept of probation has evolved in many ways since its inception in the 1800’s but it still incorporates the integral idea of giving a convicted criminal a degree of trust. Prison Life: Comparison and Contrast with Life in General Society According to the dictionary, the definition of a prison is â€Å"A place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention, especially persons convicted of crimes; a place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint or a state of imprisonment or captivity.†Prisons first came about as a means of correctional punishment. In colonial times, punishment was often a way to shame the criminal in public; putting someone in prison did not have the same effect as putting him or her out in public view to submit to shame and scorn. When prison was used for sentencing, jail terms were generally short and in most cases less than 30 days. It was not until the 1800’s that prisons were built in more abundance and courts used them for sentencing on a regular basis. Today prison systems vary widely according to level of security and the state in which they are located. The aim of each and every one is still the same, however, and that is to deprive a convicted criminal of freedom. For a prisoner there is no freedom of choice. He is told when to wake up in the morning, when it is meal time, when to work, when to exercise, when to go to bed. There are no food choices or menus and the prisoner must either eat what is given him or go hungry. No comforts of home await him in his cell; the prisoner is lucky to be able to have a selection of books and perhaps a photo or two to keep him company. At night, lights are turned off at a particular time. Cell checks can be performed at any time of night or day. There is no privacy for bathing or bodily functions. The prisoner is unable to have any items that are not approved by the system. He also has no choice regarding a cell mate unless undue violence forces a cell change. Most prisons do not allow televisions or even radios as forms of entertainment; even when they are allowed there is no satellite or cable attached and no choice of programming. The work program is enforced in many prisons with prisoners being allocated to do jobs that benefit the community or provide food or clothing for the system. Any â€Å"luxury†items must be earned and paid for with pitifully low wages. In comparison, life in general society is full of choices. As a free citizen, people in this country are allowed to choose where they live, where they work, what they eat and what they do. There are no proscribed times in which they are forced to do anything and if they are unhappy at their job, they are allowed to quit and find work elsewhere. The times in which free citizens awaken in the morning and go to bed at night are at their own discretion; if someone wishes to never turn out the light and stay up all night, he may do so. He has the ability to go out and purchase items at will, as needed or desired. The private citizen can choose to live as he wants whether that be in clean or messy surroundings, in a house filled with knick knacks and furniture or a more austere setting. Entertainment options abound. In short, nothing short of illegal activity is prohibited for a free citizen. Whether in prison or out in general society, there are still rules made by our national and state governments to be abided by and morals which govern our actions. In prison it is more closely monitored while in general society citizens do not warrant such close supervision. As well, people in either situation must earn what they have. Loss of freedom is the biggest difference between living in prison or living outside. Contrast and Comparison of Georgia and Florida State Prisons In the Georgia state prison system, the dormitories shown are used for housing groups of prisoners who require minimal security. Rows of bunk beds are stacked two high and furnished with a thin blanket and pillow. A box beneath the bunk is the only place for personal items. The lighting is industrial and the flooring is utilitarian and easy to keep clean. It is surprising that there is a wide expanse of windows. Other than the addition of appliances and counters, the prison kitchen looks much the same as the dormitory. It looks to be well stocked, much as a large commercial kitchen might be furnished. The health intake area is set up like a school room with rows of small wooden desks headed by a larger desk manned by a prison employee. The state of Georgia’s correctional system offers a boot camp, a diversion center, probation detention, and transitional centers in addition to the state prisons. The state runs several farms, which provide all the food for the prisoners incarcerated at the low cost of $1.51 per prisoner per day. The Florida state prisons use a traditional cell configuration built in two stories overlooking a central corridor as well as the dormitory concept. According to the website, most of the Florida correctional facilities use dorm housing. The bunks in these dorms are not stacked but are situated individually in rows. A row of small, high windows lines one wall while fluorescent lighting illuminates the area. Cells house either one or two men and have two cots that pull down from the wall with a thin blanket and pillow on each. There is one small window in the exterior wall and a narrow door. A sink and open toilet are the only other furnishings. Death row cells are even more sparse and small with a total size of 6’ x 9’ x 9.5’. They have no window and a barred entrance. Death row cells are configured for only one person. The majority of inmates in the Florida state correctional system are enrolled in either a substance abuse program, a vocational education or adult education program. They also participate in Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises or Prison Industry Enhancement work programs. Inmates also grow some of their own food and both prison systems seem to be doing a good job of keeping food costs down through farming their own vegetables. The two prison systems are similar in their housing set ups. Cells and dormitories are sparse and barren. Both systems require prisoners to be involved in production of the food used within the facilities and offer work programs. Both Florida and Georgia’s state systems offer probation and transitionary facilities. The Florida state correctional system has more programs available and more options for rehabilitation of prisoners. The Georgia system seems to offer more minimal security facilities although they did not have a virtual tour of anything other than dormitories posted on their website and they most certainly house death row inmates. Georgia’s website is set up more for the convenience of family members of those incarcerated while the Florida website focuses more on the hard facts of prison life as a deterrence measure. While both states offer model facilities for incarceration of criminals, neither system looks particularly inviting or homey. References Friedman, Lawrence M (1993). Crime and Punishment in American History. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Jones, Calvin. â€Å"Alternatives to Standard Methods of Incarceration†. Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Retrieved November 8, 2007 from the FDOLE Web site: â€Å"Virtual Prison Tour. Georgia Department of Corrections. Retrieved November 8, 2007 from the GDOC Web site:
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Chemical Definition - Chemistry Glossary
Chemical Definition - Chemistry Glossary There are two definitions of the word chemical as the term is used in chemistry and common usage: Chemical Definition (adjective) As an adjective, the term chemical indicates a relationship to chemistry or to the interaction between substances. Used in a sentence: She studied chemical reactions.They determined the chemical composition of the soil. Chemical Definition (noun) Everything which has mass is a chemical. Anything consisting of matter is a chemical. Any liquid, solid, gas. A chemical includes any pure substance; any mixture. Because this definition of a chemical is so broad, most people consider a pure substance (element or compound) to be a chemical, particularly if it is prepared in a laboratory. Examples of Chemicals Examples of things which are chemicals or consist of them include water, pencil, air, carpet, light bulb, copper, bubbles, baking soda, and salt. Of these examples, water, copper, baking soda, and salt are pure substances (elements or chemical compounds. A pencil, air, carpet, a light bulb, and bubbles consist of multiple chemicals. Examples of things which are not chemicals include light, heat, and emotions.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Diversity in the german workforce essays
Diversity in the german workforce essays The Diversity of Women and Guest Workers in the German Workforce Management of diversity through out the German workplace is much like building a bridge. Think of 5 different mountains, all different in their own way and all separate from each other. In order to explore each one of these mountains there must first be a clear connecting pathway that allows a safe and reliable passage from one to the next. A bridge. With out these pathways it becomes unclear as to what the next mountain holds and one is only able to make assumptions about what stands in front of them. When this concept is brought into the workplace it is easy to see that sometimes these bridges do not present a clear cut pathway. People begin to make assumptions with change becoming somewhat of a negative and becoming opposed by the majority. In order to best understand the people around you it is necessary that? and methods are available so that? and accepting diverse people is less of a challenge. In an ideal world everyone is treated differently, no matter what their rac e, ethnicity, colour, religion, education and sexual preference. In reality, very few companies around the world have reached a stage where diversity is truly valued, especially within Germany. Through out the past century Germany has become riddled with historic moments which have caused dramatic changes to the diversity of their workforce. Though these are significant topics it is not to be the focus of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to show exactly how events such as World War II and the fall of the Berlin wall affected the acceptance of both women and guest workers within the country. For many centuries, a woman's role in German society was summed up and constrained by the three "K" words: Kinder (children), Kirche (church), and Kche (kitchen). Sometimes the fourth "K" is mentioned: Kleider (clothes). However, throughout the 20th century women have gradually w...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business Social Responsibility
According to Riahi (2009), an organization (such as FirstGroup plc) can actually be regarded as a deliberately constructed social unit to pursue a specific goal. In this respect, it also evoked an empathy with a pessimistic dialogue: Milton Friedman pointed out that in 1970's New York Times magazine article, the only commercial social responsibility was increased profit. In his book Capitalism Freedom he wrote that company is a tool to own shareholders and will prevent individual shareholders from deciding how to dispose of their own funds if the company contributes . (M. Initially, the three authors argue against other companies by expressing their beliefs on what company social responsibility should be, then further promoting their ideas. For example, TJ Rodgers believes that company social responsibility is to maximize profits by raising efficiency and lowering prices. This is more logical than John Mackey's approach and enhances social efficiency. However, John Mackey believes t hat corporate social responsibility should bring value to customers and businesses in the long term, and TJ Rodgers and Milton Friedman are considering narrowing the scope I suggest that. be concerned about. However, Milton Friedman believes that social responsibility of the company is to act for the owners 'own interests and that this kind of interest is to maximize shareholders' interests. Everyone is not thinking that a company should have a social conscience. Economist Milton Friedman said, Because of its loose analysis and lack of rigor, commercial social responsibility is convincing. Friedman believes that only individuals can have a sense of social responsibility. Because of its nature, business is impossible. Some experts believe that social responsibility ignores the essence of business. Business Social Responsibility According to Riahi (2009), an organization (such as FirstGroup plc) can actually be regarded as a deliberately constructed social unit to pursue a specific goal. In this respect, it also evoked an empathy with a pessimistic dialogue: Milton Friedman pointed out that in 1970's New York Times magazine article, the only commercial social responsibility was increased profit. In his book Capitalism Freedom he wrote that company is a tool to own shareholders and will prevent individual shareholders from deciding how to dispose of their own funds if the company contributes . (M. Initially, the three authors argue against other companies by expressing their beliefs on what company social responsibility should be, then further promoting their ideas. For example, TJ Rodgers believes that company social responsibility is to maximize profits by raising efficiency and lowering prices. This is more logical than John Mackey's approach and enhances social efficiency. However, John Mackey believes t hat corporate social responsibility should bring value to customers and businesses in the long term, and TJ Rodgers and Milton Friedman are considering narrowing the scope I suggest that. be concerned about. However, Milton Friedman believes that social responsibility of the company is to act for the owners 'own interests and that this kind of interest is to maximize shareholders' interests. Everyone is not thinking that a company should have a social conscience. Economist Milton Friedman said, Because of its loose analysis and lack of rigor, commercial social responsibility is convincing. Friedman believes that only individuals can have a sense of social responsibility. Because of its nature, business is impossible. Some experts believe that social responsibility ignores the essence of business. Business Social Responsibility According to Riahi (2009), an organization (such as FirstGroup plc) can actually be regarded as a deliberately constructed social unit to pursue a specific goal. In this respect, it also evoked an empathy with a pessimistic dialogue: Milton Friedman pointed out that in 1970's New York Times magazine article, the only commercial social responsibility was increased profit. In his book Capitalism Freedom he wrote that company is a tool to own shareholders and will prevent individual shareholders from deciding how to dispose of their own funds if the company contributes . (M. Initially, the three authors argue against other companies by expressing their beliefs on what company social responsibility should be, then further promoting their ideas. For example, TJ Rodgers believes that company social responsibility is to maximize profits by raising efficiency and lowering prices. This is more logical than John Mackey's approach and enhances social efficiency. However, John Mackey believes t hat corporate social responsibility should bring value to customers and businesses in the long term, and TJ Rodgers and Milton Friedman are considering narrowing the scope I suggest that. be concerned about. However, Milton Friedman believes that social responsibility of the company is to act for the owners 'own interests and that this kind of interest is to maximize shareholders' interests. Everyone is not thinking that a company should have a social conscience. Economist Milton Friedman said, Because of its loose analysis and lack of rigor, commercial social responsibility is convincing. Friedman believes that only individuals can have a sense of social responsibility. Because of its nature, business is impossible. Some experts believe that social responsibility ignores the essence of business.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Advance Database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Advance Database - Essay Example The report gives a detailed technical description of the systematic formation of the system’s data model. The objectives of the report intend to encompass the important details related to the four major phases involved in building the proposed database design: 4. Implementation of the database design in Oracle and testing of the design through scenario specific SQL queries. The correctness of the result would prove the correctness of the proposed database design. The major constraint in designing a class diagram of a scheduling management database is in relation to a large number of variants brought about by the seasonal change of train journey, planned and unplanned maintenance of trains and rearrangement of weekdays and the holiday. Though the calendar stating of each train, the entry number description for a particular day, time and station makes the whole process cumbersome. The approach requires not less than 2 million records to accommodate the train scheduling the proposed relational database. In addition, to hold the schedule for a long time raises the number of records the key issue is the operation of updating changes in the schedule. Another key constraint is the issues relating to objects that have overlapping lifespan. This is very profound when this object overlaps. The situation is peculiar since the object maintains its state actuality even after changing (IBM 2003). It only takes place in that given a short time during the replacement. This will result in a situation where we have multiple real time tuple which describes the different versions that the same object has. This idea does not merge the previous RDBMS concept, therefore it is inherent to develop special data queries which will solve this situation. To form a structural model for the system, all critical entities of the TFR for which data is stored and that are part of the daily business operations were
Physiotherapy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Physiotherapy - Assignment Example All practitioners use different sources to inform clinical practice in order to increase their effectiveness in the delivery of care. Section 8.5 of the QAS in the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) requires physiotherapists to identify the best treatment options based on sources such as clinical guidelines and empirical evidence (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 2012, sec. 8). Other sources include utilizing the highly experienced physiotherapists and the clinical performance instruments and models, which improves delivery of care. These sources are reliable and when used in clinical practice, they enhance professional empowerment, increase the ability to solve problems and increase the quality of care delivered to patients. On another hand, the sources are prone to inadequate reporting, homogeneity and generalization of the research findings. The CSP has also provided standards that govern the reflective practice in physiotherapy. In section 3.1, practitioners are required to reflect and engage in continuing professional development (CPD) process in order to be competent in health practice. One can utilize reflective models to analyse one’s learning experience and achieve the quality assurance standards stipulated in the CSP. The most commonly used models include the Atkins and Murphy model of reflection and John’s model of reflection of 1994. Over the past decades,emphasis has been put in evaluating the quality of services delivered by physiotherapist whilst in practice. As a result, the practitioners have increasingly utilized empirical research as a source of information, which support decision making.In order to improve decision-making and problem-solving, practitioners have been encouraged to transfer the research findings into the clinical practice.As a result, the evidence based practice has been born. Research shows that evidence based practice requires three components, that is, the physiotherapists,
Policy Implementation and Application Assignment
Policy Implementation and Application - Assignment Example It is important for you to note that, the current ethical standards have brought ethical behavior in our organization to the forefront of public consciousness. Today after getting knowledge of the past, and getting to know the role played by ethics in running a business, the question is no longer, whether ethics is vital, but how to maintain the ethical behavior in an association. I wish to notify you that, how you handle customer related issues as the mangers and leaders of the organization, determines the size of our customer base. I therefore, wish to make an appeal that you exercise the courteous behaviors at all times in handling the issues poised by our esteemed customers at all times. I wish to reiterate to you that, in today’s community, individuals do not at all times do what is right, they may be right aware that doing certain things will bring greater consequences that they would not like but go ahead and perform them. It is, therefore, your responsibility as the le aders of ECG to make sure that the organizational culture supports the ethical conduce and social responsibility. As the ambassadors of our company, you must be the voice that individuals look to, to understand what they are up to at all times. I wish to reiterate that as the top leaders and managers of ECG, you are expected to alleviate vices that are detrimental to the success of our organizational activities such as harassment, discrimination, and abuse of office. You are expected to uphold professionalism in running the affairs of our company at all times. Various aspects of the company such as recruitment and promotion of personnel warrants stringent adherence to the laid procedures. You are expected to recruit personnel into the company with respect to merit and competence. Discipline is paramount at ECG and thus, as the leaders and managers of the organization; you are expected to identify the errand members of the organization, hence subject them to disciplinary measures acc ordingly. It is important for you to note that the conduct of the employees under your respective capacity as leaders depends on your respective management styles. Concerning this, therefore, I appeal for your close monitoring of the organization’s employees to ensure that they adhere to the stipulated rules and regulations. I wish to inform you that, as the leaders and managers of ECG in various capacities, you ought to make it a continual habit to treat every worker fairly. It is important for you to note that fair treatment of the organization’s employees dictates their level of commitment to the activities of the organization. Therefore, try to win the confidence of the employees under your respective leadership at all times whenever you are attending to their needs or interacting with them. Try to inculcate good morals and sense of hard work in all employees at all times. I wish to let you know that, the manner in which the ward of tenders at ECG is done, contrave nes the recommended procedures. I therefore, call upon the members who sit in this committee to portray high professionalism and integrity while handling all the affairs related to the progress of the. Kindly, note that, the ethical dilemmas can cause effects to association’s reputation, and its financial performance. You are expect
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Shamanism in Korea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Shamanism in Korea - Essay Example The study of Shamanism gives an extremely interesting understanding of indigenous folk religions of Northeast Asia. Shamanism deals with a wide range of practices and beliefs through which their practitioners (shamans) communicate with the spiritual world. Ordinary individuals can only become shamans when they receive their calling. They tread supernatural dimensions and specialize in spiritual, mental and physical healing with the help of spirits (San-Hung A3). The present paper portrays an overview of shamanism in Korea. Korean shamanism is still an active practice and is deeply rooted in the people's ethnic consciousness (Stutley 23). It not only coexisted with other major religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, but also influenced them. The rituals performed by Korean shamans range from pig offerings for placating the gods, to walking barefoot on sharp knives to intimidate evil spirits (San-Hung A3). Shamanism in Korea has a rich history. It has affect ed the political, cultural and religious aspects of the country and survived years of suppression by foreign and local powers. This paper attempts to provide a brief overview of Korean shamanism, detailing its origins, concepts of god, rituals, songs, materialistic beliefs, and healing therapies. It also discusses the suppressions experienced by shamanism, and its post-modern revival. This would provide a good understanding of the Korean folk religion that is witnessing a growing interest from all quarters of the world. Korean Shamanism Overview Shamanism in Korea is known as sin'gyo, which means 'the religion of the gods'. It includes a sun and a bear cult apart from ancestor worship, suggesting a link between Korean shamanism and Siberian, Manchurian and Central Asian cultures. Prior to the advent of the Choson Dynasty, Korean shamans had a high social status and some were even rulers. For instance, the second ruler of the Sila Dynasty, Namhae, was a shaman. The high social standi ng and privileges enjoyed by shamans were lost since the arrival of other religions in South Korea. Yet, there were about 100,000 shamans in Korea in 1973. Until Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910, most shamans retained their functions at national sacrificial and royal rites. The Japanese destroyed most of the native religion by arresting shamans and raiding sacrificial ceremonies and offerings. Once Korea was liberated from Japan in 1945, shamans and their followers were persecuted by hostile Christians, who called them "devotees of the devil" (Stutley 23). Shamanism in Communist North Korea had to go underground due to its intolerance towards the folk religion. Shamanism in Korea is based on native ancient beliefs and traditions. Most shamans are women who found their calling after realizing they could serve as mediators between the spirit world and the human world, after surviving a critical sickness. According to their beliefs, spirits of ancestors, animals, trees and even non-l iving things exist in the air and interact with people, affecting their lives and fortunes (San-Hung A3). The Origin of Korean Shamanism The origin of Korean shamanism is not certain and is difficult to determine (Lee 135). This is because of the complexity of the religion as its practices diversified in different provinces, making it difficult to trace the source of its origin. Unsuccessful attempts were made during the end of the Yi Dynasty to unify the various practices of shamanism into one system (Lee I 135). While the term Mu was used to refer to shamans prior to the Yi Dynasty,
Apple Inc. in 2010 Case Brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Apple Inc. in 2010 Case Brief - Essay Example However, ranking it as the industry leader would have a great challenge especially due to its performance in the mid-1980s and early 1990s when it registered great fluctuations in profit. At some time, they even ran at a loss of $1.6 billion under the watch of one Amelio (Yoffie & Kim, 2). It enjoyed a considerable market price share of about 16% in the 1980s, which would gradually reduce to about 2% in 2007 before starting to rise slowly. Apple transcended the market due to the uniqueness of their products as compared to its competitors. They invested more on R & D as compared to the rest of the providers to ensure that efficiency was the key to their product. They integrated their OS with other providers like Microsoft and UNIX to come up with a better processor. This satisfied the taste of different customer leading to greater and variable sales (Yoffie & Kim, 5). The introduction of the digital hub saw a big improvement in the microprocessor products. Products like the iPod, iTunes, and iPads revolutionized the industry and were a big challenge to the smartphones. They also introduced PCs that were convenient to use and save much of the customers working space. This was contrary to what other competitors had provided. Apple works in a dynamic market that needs creativity and innovation to succeed. The players in the market are so competitive that failure to come up with a new and different product will lead to the company’s downfall. This is a type of market where weakened companies are bought with stronger ones to help beat their competitors. Alternatively, the providers have to venture into many products to survive. Apple would not survive on PCs alone, which led to their venture in other products like phones, MP3s, PlayStations, and even online clip sales.Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Policy Implementation and Application Assignment
Policy Implementation and Application - Assignment Example It is important for you to note that, the current ethical standards have brought ethical behavior in our organization to the forefront of public consciousness. Today after getting knowledge of the past, and getting to know the role played by ethics in running a business, the question is no longer, whether ethics is vital, but how to maintain the ethical behavior in an association. I wish to notify you that, how you handle customer related issues as the mangers and leaders of the organization, determines the size of our customer base. I therefore, wish to make an appeal that you exercise the courteous behaviors at all times in handling the issues poised by our esteemed customers at all times. I wish to reiterate to you that, in today’s community, individuals do not at all times do what is right, they may be right aware that doing certain things will bring greater consequences that they would not like but go ahead and perform them. It is, therefore, your responsibility as the le aders of ECG to make sure that the organizational culture supports the ethical conduce and social responsibility. As the ambassadors of our company, you must be the voice that individuals look to, to understand what they are up to at all times. I wish to reiterate that as the top leaders and managers of ECG, you are expected to alleviate vices that are detrimental to the success of our organizational activities such as harassment, discrimination, and abuse of office. You are expected to uphold professionalism in running the affairs of our company at all times. Various aspects of the company such as recruitment and promotion of personnel warrants stringent adherence to the laid procedures. You are expected to recruit personnel into the company with respect to merit and competence. Discipline is paramount at ECG and thus, as the leaders and managers of the organization; you are expected to identify the errand members of the organization, hence subject them to disciplinary measures acc ordingly. It is important for you to note that the conduct of the employees under your respective capacity as leaders depends on your respective management styles. Concerning this, therefore, I appeal for your close monitoring of the organization’s employees to ensure that they adhere to the stipulated rules and regulations. I wish to inform you that, as the leaders and managers of ECG in various capacities, you ought to make it a continual habit to treat every worker fairly. It is important for you to note that fair treatment of the organization’s employees dictates their level of commitment to the activities of the organization. Therefore, try to win the confidence of the employees under your respective leadership at all times whenever you are attending to their needs or interacting with them. Try to inculcate good morals and sense of hard work in all employees at all times. I wish to let you know that, the manner in which the ward of tenders at ECG is done, contrave nes the recommended procedures. I therefore, call upon the members who sit in this committee to portray high professionalism and integrity while handling all the affairs related to the progress of the. Kindly, note that, the ethical dilemmas can cause effects to association’s reputation, and its financial performance. You are expect
Apple Inc. in 2010 Case Brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Apple Inc. in 2010 Case Brief - Essay Example However, ranking it as the industry leader would have a great challenge especially due to its performance in the mid-1980s and early 1990s when it registered great fluctuations in profit. At some time, they even ran at a loss of $1.6 billion under the watch of one Amelio (Yoffie & Kim, 2). It enjoyed a considerable market price share of about 16% in the 1980s, which would gradually reduce to about 2% in 2007 before starting to rise slowly. Apple transcended the market due to the uniqueness of their products as compared to its competitors. They invested more on R & D as compared to the rest of the providers to ensure that efficiency was the key to their product. They integrated their OS with other providers like Microsoft and UNIX to come up with a better processor. This satisfied the taste of different customer leading to greater and variable sales (Yoffie & Kim, 5). The introduction of the digital hub saw a big improvement in the microprocessor products. Products like the iPod, iTunes, and iPads revolutionized the industry and were a big challenge to the smartphones. They also introduced PCs that were convenient to use and save much of the customers working space. This was contrary to what other competitors had provided. Apple works in a dynamic market that needs creativity and innovation to succeed. The players in the market are so competitive that failure to come up with a new and different product will lead to the company’s downfall. This is a type of market where weakened companies are bought with stronger ones to help beat their competitors. Alternatively, the providers have to venture into many products to survive. Apple would not survive on PCs alone, which led to their venture in other products like phones, MP3s, PlayStations, and even online clip sales.Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Theme Parks Essay Example for Free
Theme Parks Essay As I was young and growing up, traveling is something that I enjoy doing and still do today. I have traveled all around the country; however, the most exciting thing that I like to do is to go to an amusement park. Amusement parks are filled with rides, people, and excitement. The children are so excited and the adults feel as if they were young again. For example, Carowinds, Wet N’ Wild, and Disney World are all great amusement parks that I have been to. The number of people in amusement parks continues to grow as most amusement parks create new thrilling rides and activities to all people throughout the country. Carowinds is a very amusing place to go, which is located between Charlotte and Rock Hill. The amusement park is filled with people, food, rides, and excitement. Most people wait in long lines to get on a ride, while others walk around and get on another ride. Some of the rides that Carowinds have include: Wayne’s World, Vortex, and The Cyclone. These rides are breath taking, making people scream, and acquire a strong stomach to get on them. The amusement park has great food; however, the prices are a little eminent. They also have an all day buffet which is located in the middle of the park. Carowinds is a great amusement park to go as excitement continues to grow. The second amusement that has a lot of excitement is Wet N’ Wild. Wet N’ Wild is located in High Point, NC. Wet N’ Wild is an amusement park you just can not wait to get in. The park is filled with water rides and excitement. One of the rides I love to get on when I arrive is called The Twin Twisters. The Twin Twisters are two tunnels that loop you around four times at approximately 80 miles per hour. This ride is breath taking if you have not ever got on it before. The Twin Twisters is not recommending for children or people with high blood pressure. There are more water rides for people to choose from. The people that do not like water rides choose to go to the swimming pool which has approximately three hundred people. Most people that come to the park bring their own food because the prices are really high. Wet N’ Wild N’ Wild is the best water park in the state of North Carolina as more people continue to come. The last amusement park that has a lot of excitement is Disney World. Disney World brings excitement to all ages as it is like a dream come true to children. It is not normal to see Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny walking around in an amusement park. Once you enter the amusement park, you see children running around all over the place and playing with the people dressed in funny costumes. Most adults like watching plays with their children, take pictures, and collect souvenirs for memories. As many children are not able to see this exciting place, Disney World is a great place for children. Amusement parks are great to be as they are known to carry excitement. Children love to travel to amusement parks because they enjoy it. Most adults love to go to amusement parks because they relive stress and are very amusing. Amusement parks are very entertaining and amusing as more people continue to go to them all across the country.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Effect of Bilingualism on Ageing and the Brain
Effect of Bilingualism on Ageing and the Brain Nur’Aisyah Binte Yussof In Wiley’s journal article, he states that speaking two languages benefits the aging brain. He presents his ideas, arguments and analysis with supporting evidence from epidemiological study by Dr. Bak and colleagues from the Centre for Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh. This critical review will examine another three different articles on this issue and would evaluate its contents based on the assumption from Wiley’s article. Although Wiley had proven his point, his article might be biased and contains some misinterpretation of data coming from only one source of research to prove his point that bilingualism benefits the aging brain. Thus, the other research studies to support his ideology. In the first paragraph of Wiley’s journal article, he stated that â€Å"bilingualism is thought to improve cognition and delay dementia in older adults.†This conclusion is based on the data from the study of the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 undertaken by The University of Edinburgh Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, part of the cross council Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Initiative (MR/K026992/1). The results from this study indicate that those who spoke two or more languages had significantly better cognitive abilities compared to what would be expected from their baseline. Wiley, as supported by the research study determines that bilingualism has a positive effect on cognition and may slow down cognitive decline from aging. The research done proved that acquiring a second language, even as an adult may benefit the aging brain. Bilingualism allows the brain to respond more rapidly to the conditions that placed greater demands on the working memory. Stagnant use of the brain; monolinguals, would result in the brain to slow down and be more prone to effects of aging. Cognitive abilities are better when the language sphere is used more often thus, increasing the rate of brain functions. Distinguished Professor of Psychology from Penn State; Judith Kroll stated that â€Å"Bilingual speakers can outperform monolinguals (people who speak only one language) in certain mental abilities, such as editing out irrelevant information and focusing on important information.†Bilingual speakers may benefit and perform better in tasks such as multi-tasking and also have an advantage in attention and cognitive control which will have long-term benefits. Increasing use of these systems slows down aging and also deters sickness such as dementia and also Alzheimer’s. These three articles from Ellen Bialystok, American Academy of Neurology and Universtat Jaume I, acknowledged the fact that bilingualism benefits the aging brain. In the book from Ellen Bialystok; Bilingualism in development: language, literacy and cognition, she explained that bilingualism involves language proficiency which consisted of two cognitive processes, analysis of representational structure and control of attention. These cognitive processes would determine proficiency through the degree of involvement and mental representations that refers to the process of explicit structure and organization of information represented with knowledge. â€Å"Language proficiency is the ability to function in a situation that is defined by specific cognitive and linguistic demands, to a level of performance indicated by either objective criteria or normative standards.†The journal article by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) states that: â€Å"Speaking more than one language is thought to lead better development of areas of the brain that handle executive functions and attention tasks, which may help protect from the onset of dementia†. In addition, the journal article from Universitat Jaume I states that, bilinguals use the left inferior frontal lobe, the Brocas area, to respond to stimuli where executive functions are performed (such as ordering forms by colour or shape), whereas monolinguals use the right part to respond to the same stimuli.Findings are very important because they show an unknown aspect of bilingualism, which goes beyond linguistic advantages, and they also show bilinguals are more effective in responding to certain stimuli, explains researcher Cesar Avila, who ensures the research shows that bilingualism does not only have effects on the brain at a linguistic level, but that it also works differently, emphasizing the importance of introducing languages at an early age because it generates cognitive benefits. All of these sources, with supporting evidence links back to the main article that we studied, whereby it is strongly believed that bilingualism would benefit the aging brain. These articles contain similar arguments about how language and use of cognitive process are inter-related. With the brain performing cognitive processes while a bilingual person speaks, it would increase brain activities which in turn would benefit aging brain to not be vulnerable to sickness such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease due to frequent activities in the brain. In an American Academy of Neurology study, stagnant use of brain, such as monolinguals, would increase the risk of one developing a sickness four and a half years before bilinguals. Although believed that bilingualism will benefit the aging brain, cognitive functions due bilingualism, that slow down due to aging can be fine tuned and maintained in other ways as well. It is measured by the efficiency level of our brain as we age. For example, being physically active produces positive effects on many cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, information processing and problem solving. Cognitive abilities in an aging brain could still be active as it was in the youth through spatial attention which is critical in many aspects of our daily lives. According to the research from Dr Joanna Brooks, certain types of cognitive systems in the right cerebral hemisphere, are encapsulated and may be protected from aging. Thus, bilingualism would not be the only factor that would benefit the aging brain. This critical review examines the findings of Wiley and a few other research studies to determine if bilingualism would benefit the aging brain. Being supported by most studies, Wiley’s statement is credible. However, bilingualism, being the only factor would not be strong enough to benefit the aging brain. Cognitive abilities, such as the biologically organized mental structure in the brain known as the Language Acquisition Device facilitates the learning of a language and allows the rapid cognitive activity which will also benefit the aging brain. Wiley’s article misleads readers and focuses attention only on bilingualism while ignoring other factors that will also affect or benefit the aging brain. 1029 words. References: Association for Psychological Science. (2010, November 9). Bilingual benefits reach beyond communication. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in Development: Language, Literacy, and Cognition. United Kingdom, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Concordia University. (2013, January 16). Language mixing in children growing up bilingual. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore. (2014, July 1). The less older adults sleep, the faster their brains age, new study suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 11, 2014 from Ithaca College. (2013, July 15). Bilingual children have a two-tracked mind. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from Northwestern University. (2014, September 2). Community music programs enhance brain function in at-risk children. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from Penn State. (2011, February 21). Juggling languages can build better brains. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland). (2014, February 5). Links explored between physical activity, learning. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from Umeà ¥ universitet. (2012, April 27). Maintain your brain: The secrets to aging success. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 11, 2014 from Universitat Jaume I. (2010, July 7). Bilingualism associated with brain reorganization involving better efficiency in executive functions, research finds. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from Wiley. (2014, June 2). Speaking two languages benefits the aging brain. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 12, 2014 from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Themes of The Good Earth :: Pearl Buck Good Earth Essays
Themes of The Good Earth  The theme of this novel is not a complicated one. The author is trying to show how a family can rise from poverty to a position of wealth. However, the rise in itself is not the crucial element; the background against which this rise takes place is more important. Wang Lung lives in an era of change. China has been a backward country in many respects. Her principal fault, however, was the existence of two distinct classes of people - the rich and the poor. The rich led a pseudo-cultural existence unconcerned with the realities of the country. The poor in between fighting plagues, floods and famines, were taxed as well. On the fringe of these two groups were the robbers bands who plundered wherever they could.  The old aristocracy of China was rotting away as the result of its own greed. Waiting for their chance was a group of young intellectuals who claimed that they were going to bring about many reforms. However, since the time that The Good Earth was written in 1931, history has shown that these revolutionaries only intended to replace the old aristocracy with a new one. They had little intention of doing anything constructive for the poor people. As a result, when the Communists came after World War II, they were able to take over China very easily.  Where does Wang Lung fit into this picture? He is a poor man who knows nothing besides the value of land. Therefore, he spends his entire life building up a large estate. However, he builds according to the old system. As he becomes richer, he separates himself from his own people and he allows himself and his family to fall into the same faults that the other rich had. Then he allows his sons to separate themselves from the land - that which had given them their wealth. Although the author does not carry the story through, the reader knows that this family is destined to fall.  The earth-theme is predominant throughout. As a man pours his energies into his land he reaps great benefits-survival and self-respect. Miss Buck appears to be saying that the only thing that can truly save China is the honest toil of her people who must be allowed to claim the rewards of their
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Clifton Suspension Bridge Essay -- History Historical Bridge Architect
Clifton Suspension Bridge The Clifton Suspension Bridge is located in Bristol England, and spans the beautiful Avon gorge. This bridge has become the symbol of Bristol much like the Eiffel tower has of Paris, and the Opera house has of Sydney. The story of the Clifton Suspension Bridge began in 1754 with the dream of a Bristol wine merchant who donated his life savings to build a bridge over the gorge. To decide on a suitable design for the bridge a competition was held. Thomas Telford, the leading civil architect of the time was the judge. Mr. Telford attempted to submit his own design; however the decision to declare himself the winner was overruled and a second competition was held. This time, contrary to the recommendation of Thomas Telford, 24 year old Isambard Kindom Brunel was declared the winner and appointed project engineer. Brunel’s design consisted of a suspension bridge that spanned the breath of the gorge. Telford disagreed with the concept of erecting a suspension bridge of this size in such an exposed position. His doubt was likely a result of the near destruction of his last project the Menai suspension bridge. Nonetheless Brunel was given his first commission, and construction on the bridge began. The foundation stone was laid in 1831, however the project was plagued with political problems and by 1843 the project was abandon with only the towers complete. Before the political and funding problems could be resolved Brunel died an unexpected death at just 53 years old and the project had to be finished with out him. The design of the bridge was altered after his death. The original scheme was far more ornate with stone lions and Egyptian inspired decoration, these were left off the engineers who finished t... ...le plagued this project and by the time it was complete it was no longer the largest spanning bridge, though it is still a spectacular bridge sitting 76 meter above a deep gorge. Certainly a site worth seeing, apparently it is breathtaking to drive down the road to Bristol, turn a sharp corner and the white structure spanning the gorge. Today it costs 30p to cross the bridge in a car, pedestrians are not charged, and the speed limit has recently been raised to 25 miles per hour. Work Cited 1.), October 27, 2004 2.), October 27, 2004 3.),htm.htm, October 27, 2004 4.), October 27, 2004 5.), October 27, 2004
Friday, October 11, 2019
Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower Essay
INTRODUCTION Our report aims at developing a marketing plan for Aqualisa Quartz shower. The product was launched and in spite of being much better than the existing showers in the U.K market in terms of water pressure, ease of installation, use and design, it didn’t have very impressive sales figures in the first four months. This report delves into the details as to why the launch was not successful and what can be done now to improve the situation of the product and the company. It is very important to reflect on the ways through which a company can increase sales together with its brand quality because usually, there is a strong competition in the industry and the companies have to choose among the ways through which they might win the market and this requires a lot of research. Companies should be aware of one key concept which is â€Å"you can’t be everything to everybody.†Our report elaborates on the industry, the company, the customers and the product itself to give a n overview of the whole situation and finally, it suggests the recommendations and the implementation plan. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Quartz entered the market when only about 60% of U.K homes had showers and archaic plumbing some of which dated back to the Victorian period was still common in many houses. There were two major problems regarding the shower system in the U.K: low pressure and high fluctuations in temperature, which were addressed through the use of either electric showers or special U.K shower valves. The three main types of shower that existed in the market were Electric showers, mixer showers and power showers each having their own positive and negative features. Electric showers had one advantage over the other two types and that was â€Å"not requiring hot water supply.†The disadvantage of such a shower was that the electrical components were usually mounted in a cumbersome white box which could be seen in the shower stall. Another weak point in these showers was that they had not solved the problem of low flow rate. Aqualisa sold electric showers under the separate brand name of â€Å" Gainsborough.†Electric showers covered 61% of the units sold in the market. (See EXHIBIT 1) The mixer shower which covered 30% of the units sold in the market (see EXHIBIT 1) came in two types; manual and thermostatic. The thermostatic type created comfortable temperature but manual ones were very inconvenient. The mixer shower required both hot and cold water, additional pump to address pressure problems, and the installation typically required excavation of the bathroom. No wonder it was selling half the volume electric showers were selling. Aqualisa had Aquavalve and Aquavalve 609, the latter being the core product of the company. The third type was integral power showers which covered only 9% of the units sold in the market. These showers required both hot and cold water as well. The bulky box on the wall was another problem with these ones and more importantly, they were regarded as less reliable compared to mixer showers. Aqualisa’s primary product in this category was Aquastream thermostatic. What was noteworthy in the shower industry was the fact that there was hardly any innovative movement in the industry in terms of functionality ,that is to say, possible innovations mostly happened in the cosmetic part of the product and major manufactures recycled their product line every four or five years. Aqualisa could take advantage of this weak point in the industry and be the winner. The question that remained to be answered was how? CUSTOMER ANALYSIS Most customers disliked two major problems of the existing showers- poor pressure and varying temperature. Consumers complained about other problems as well. They were not happy with hard-to-turn valves, leaky seals and worn-out showers. On the other hand, brand awareness was very low among the customers and only one brand (Triton) had been able to build brand awareness at the customer level (see EXHIBIT 1). Shower buyers in the U.K fell into one of these three pricing segments: premium, standard and value. Customers in the premium segment cared about the style of the shower and the performance or service of the product was not of importance to them. They normally shopped in showrooms. On the contrary, customers in the standard segment preferred performance and the service provided with the product and they usually relied on an independent plumber to recommend a shower to them. Thirdly, customers in the value segment were primarily concerned with convenience and price. They did not like the idea of excavation in their showers and they mainly relied on a plumber to select the product for them. In addition to these segments, there were two more segments: do-it-yourselfers and developers. Do-it-yourselfers shopped at retail outlets and were interested in cheap models that were easy to install and they did not care about the unattractive bulky shape of the showers. Landlords and apartment dwellers were the main customers and electric showers were the overwhelming choice in this segment. Finally, developers were the customers who preferred reliable, nice-looking products that could work in multiple settings. Besides, developers did not have to worry about the pressure problems because new houses were almost exclusively built with high-pressure systems. The important characteristic of this segment was their price sensitivity. Aqualisa, knowing this behavior, had sold them its redesigned Aquavalve showers under the brand name of ShowerMax at a lower price and the developers loved it because it gave them the Aquavalve technology at a remarkable lower cost. Are plumbers regarded as channels or customers? Channels are customers too. Either way, they are important buyers and, at the same time, influential ones. Plumbers tried to install a special shower wherever they normally went for a job because unfamiliar showers could bring about unknown problems regarding and a revisit to fix the problem led to an extra cost for the plumbers. Furthermore, plumbers could receive some sort of service form the manufacturer if they stuck to that special brand. Generally, plumbers did not trust innovation especially if it involved electronics because of their bad experiences with the poorly designed products in the past. They wanted a shower that was easy to install with a guarantee to not break down or require servicing. Plumbers had a remarkably strong involvement in mixer shower selection (48%) whether directly or indirectly (see EXHIBIT 2).Apart from that, 54% of the mixer shower installation was carried out by them (see EXHIBIT 3).Aqualisa had the second biggest market share in mixer showers having Aquavalve 609 as their core product in that category (see EXHIBIT 1). Aquavalve 609, selling 60000 units per year, was considered Aqualisa’s top-selling shower and it was regarded by the plumbers as being a high-quality reliable mixer shower with state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, Plumbers perception of the brand was quite positive. THE COMPANY AND THE CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION Showers were sold through three channels of distribution, which were trade shops, showrooms and DIY outlets. Trade shops carried products of all the brands in the market and all they cared about was to make sure they had the right stock of products that were in demand. The main customer of trade shops were plumbers who worked for developers, showrooms, contractors and customers. Aqualisa brand was available in 40% of trade shops. The second channel was showrooms which tended to be more high-end. Showrooms often offered more than just showers and they offered installation services by subcontracting with contractors and plumbers. Aqualisa brand was sold in about 25% of them.DIY sheds offered discount, mass-market do-it-yourself products. Electric showers, being cheaper, were selling really well in this channel (see EXHIBIT 4).Aqualisa had no product in this channel but its Gainsborough was available in 70% of these outlets. Aqualisa’s brand had always been considered as a strong one in the U.K and the company had been recognized as having top-quality showers, a premium brand and a good service. The company’s market share in mixing showers was ranked second and ranked third in the overall U.K shower market. The company had to take these facts into consideration and not make a decision regarding positioning and target marketing that would lead to a decrease in these values. However, the company had encountered some problems too. There was a strong competition in terms of product quality in the first place and the company had to be on its toes to deal with this case. Moreover, Aqualisa products were seen to be overpriced and this was something the competitors could take advantage of. Also, in terms of services, Aqualisa had become a little sloppy and it had not improved its 10% rate of break down for many years. Although it had a 25% net return on sales, its future was not secured. PRODUCT ANALYSIS Aqualisa’s new product would eliminate almost all the problems that the customers had including the cumbersome box in the shower, the low pressure and the varying temperature. Aqualisa had come up with the idea of locating the mechanism remotely outside the shower which would eliminate the need for excavation. Aqualisa launched Quartz into the market after three years of development. The product came into two versions: standard shower designed for installations that already had a pump and pumped shower which included a pump. One of the key advantages of quartz was its ease of installation. While other showers took two whole days to install, Quartz would take only four hours and this was a great source of pleasure both for the customer and the plumber. In addition to all other advantages like high pressure, stable temperature, ease of installation and remote mechanism, the one touch control mounted on the shower wall was appealing to the customers as well. Quartz was loved by everyone; parents liked it because its automatic temperature control was safe for their children who could shower on their own now; the elderly loved it because they did not have to struggle with stiff valves and so on. Quartz had some other potential features as well, which had not yet been put into effect. The Body Jet product and the Slave Remote were two additional products that could boost the sales of the product in the future. The Body Jet product was so popular among women because they could wash their bodies without getting their hair wet and the slave remote enabled the consumer to control the temperature from a distance. STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS It is time to recommend the best target market to Mr. Rawlinson now. We would recommend that he choose the first option which is targeting the customers directly. Before we talk about the pros and cons of this approach, let’s consider the other two options which are targeting do-it-yourselfers and targeting developers. The do-it-yourself sheds, as said before, simply offer cheap and easy to assemble showers. Therefore, this place is not a proper place for a premium brand like Quartz. Besides, Quartz is an expensive product and it cannot be a fit in the DIY sheds; the customers who go there are basically looking for cheap showers rather than expensive ones no matter what the function is. As long as the customer is unaware of the fantastic features of the new product he/she will not consider buying it when there are much cheaper alternatives which have proved to be good enough for their price. The advantage of targeting the DIV sheds is that because these outlets introduce easy to install showers, the customers who have that advantage in mind, will go there and they will get interested in the unique features of Quartz especially its ease of installation. As a result, some of them may buy the product and after experiencing the convenience in using it they will recommend it to others. The third option which is targeting the developers may seem interesting at first because they can have a huge volume of sales at the start and increase their profits but in practice, it is not going to be so. The developers want a very low price for their mass purchases and this is not what the company might want to encounter for two reasons; firstly, the image of the product as an innovative premium brand is lost and secondly, the company’s profits plummet due to the almost 50% discount that the developers might expect. If the company focuses on developers, it will only cover 15% of overall shower sales in the U.K (see EXHIBIT 6) while there is a much more potential for shower installation because of other reasons like replacement or new penetration. One might say that targeting developers is beneficial because developers subcontract plumbers to install the showers for them and the plumbers having experienced the ease of installation may use Quartz for their independent jobs as well. However, this does not sound practical because plumbers are not satisfied with electric showers whatsoever and they try to avoid new products because those types of showers might cause unprecedented problems which lead to extra costs for them. Apart from that, plumbers receive less installation fees working for 4 hours while with other products they will spend a lot more hours and receive higher installation fees. The first option which is targeting the customers directly seems less disadvantageous although it is more risky. As rule of thumb, higher risk is associated with higher return. Targeting the customers directly using the media might be costly but the probable high returns from that cover the costs very quickly. A large scale campaign would cost about â‚ ¬3 million to â‚ ¬4 million over two years. The company is presently in a good financial status with 25% net returns on sales. Therefore, it would be rational if it used some of that profit on advertising its new product and thought of this expenditure as investment rather than cost. The breakeven point for Quartz is 18710 units (see EXHIBIT 5).Since Aqualisa has a good market share; it could definitely sell more than the breakeven point units. Total number of units sold in a year only for Aqualisa products (excluding Gainsborough) is 122000(see EXHIBIT 1).This big number looks promising. Here is what Aqualisa should do: It should have a large-scale advertisement on the product, flood the trade shops with the product and enjoy results! You might say this is insane and there is going to be a deadly cannibalization by applying this plan. Well, there might be some cannibalization but it does not do much. Let’s consider a pessimistic result in terms of units sold if cannibalization occurs. Currently, Aqualisa is yearly selling 6000 units of electric showers, 94000 units of Mixer showers and 22000 units of Power showers (see EXHIBIT 1). Assume that in case of cannibalization, the number of units sold per year change into: 0 units of electric showers, 70000 units of mixer showers, 15000 units of power showers and 30000 units of their new product, Quartz. By looking at the manufacturer’s price in EXHIBIT 8 and multiplying them by the number of units sold accordingly we can calculate the sales for each case. The normal case has sales of â‚ ¬37.3 million and the second case that happens after the launch of Quartz and the consequent cannibalization has sales of â‚ ¬44.71 million. It brings about a â‚ ¬7.41 million increase in sales (see EXHIBIT 9). Quite remarkable! The two channels that are proper for Quarts are trade shops and showrooms. Quartz has already attracted a lot of customers in the showrooms and the company just has to keep that excellence in place using their great service. Currently, only 40% of trade shops offer Aqualisa’s products. Aqualisa should improve this number to 70% or more through the launch of Quartz. In addition, this approach may encourage the plumbers to switch to Quartz as their default shower for installation although they might not like to switch to a new product with unprecedented f eatures. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN For the implementation plan, we will elaborate on the strategies the company should apply in terms of the 4Ps which are _product_, _price_, _placement_ and _promotion_. The product was analyzed in the product analysis sector and there is much more to say about it. Regarding price we should say that Quarts seems to be overpriced but in reality it is not. Here is the reason we claim so. Consider the top-selling product Aqualisa has in the market, that is to say, Aquavalve 609.the price of this product is â‚ ¬715.but once the customer buys the product the real costs begin to show themselves. This type of shower needs two days for complete installation which means 16 hours for the plumber; the plumber charges â‚ ¬60 per hour. Then, the installation fee is â‚ ¬960(16*60).there are also other costs like additional booster pump(â‚ ¬450) and excavation charge(â‚ ¬200).the sum of all these is â‚ ¬2325 which is the total cost for Aquavalve showers. Now let’s see how mu ch a Quartz Standard costs: â‚ ¬850 for product purchase and â‚ ¬240 for four hours of installation (4*60) and 450 for additional booster pump. No excavation is needed. The sum of these ones is â‚ ¬ is remarkably lower than the one incurred by Aquavalve. The role of Promotion begins from this stage. The company should clearly inform the customers of the hidden charges of other showers (not mentioning Aquavalve) through the advertisements in different media like the TV, newspapers and magazines. On the whole, the company should implement a problem solving approach in their advertisements.This simple information will create a good image in the minds of the customers and they will know that the price is placed somewhere between their valuation of the product and the cost of it. The company could also apply transformational appeals in their approach regarding creative strategies to persuade the customer. One example would be displaying a happy businessman who has had a great day and at the end of the day when he wants to take a shower, he faces the low pressure or the varying temperature of the shower. The ad could quickly turn that situation to a pleasant one by focusing on Quartz and the difference it makes. The actions to be taken regarding product placement were mentioned in the recommendation part, which was targeting trade shops and showrooms as their channels of distribution. This creates a mainstream positioning ,which will be more profitable because the product is not highly priced if you look at it economically, taking all its advantages over the other showers into consideration.
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